How To

How To Freeze Your Location On Snapchat?

Snapchat offers a variety of features and one of the most interesting ones is the Snap Map. The Snap Map allows users to track others’ location in real time. However, sometimes we don’t want others to see our current live location on Snapchat and that’s where freezing our live location on Snap Map could always be a better idea.

Using the real time location data from your phone’s location services, Snapchat shows your current live location on the Snap Map while also allowing you to add the same locations in the form of landmarks to your snaps or Snap stories as well. Meanwhile, the most interesting thing about the Snap Map is that it gets updated even if you don’t open the app. 

Snapchat offers full control over your live location sharing on Snap Map, as it can sometimes become a privacy concern especially when you don’t want to reveal your live location on Snapchat. Thus, you can easily pause or freeze your location right there on the Snap Map. 

Here are a few methods listed below:

If you don’t want to show your exact location to your friends on the Snap Map, it’s always better to turn it off:

  • Enter Snapchat and tap on the Maps icon placed beside the Chats icon at the bottom.
  • Now, click on the Settings gear at the top right corner. 
  • Tap on the Hide My Live Location toggle to turn it on.
  • A pop up will appear that says the time duration for which you wish to hide your live location.
  • Choose Until Turned Off option as it will not show your live location in the Snap Map for an indefinite period of time until you enable the option.       

Your friends can’t see your location while you are in Ghost Mode:

  • On Snapchat, go to the Snap Maps section(the Maps icon at the bottom right corner)
  • Tap Settings icon
  • Now, tap on the Ghost Mode toggle to turn it on.
  • Snapchat will ask you to choose the time duration for which you want Snpachat to hide your live location on Snap map. 

When you don’t want to share your exact location on Snap Map, the best way is to not open the Snapchat to avoid updating your current live location:

Snapchat usually updates your location history while you have Snapchat open. Therefore, if you don’t want your friends to see your exact location or want to keep it a secret, you can freeze your live location on the Snap Map by not accessing it for a while, as this will not allow Snapchat to update your current location and will only show the location where you are last active to your friends. 

Try out removing the location permission for Snapchat:

This will help you out in not revealing your location on the Snap Map while also offering the way to the other apps to continue using your phone’s location services, but Snapchat will not be able to wonder about your current location. 

For Android,

  • Just long press on the Snapchat icon on your phone’s home screen.
  • Then, tap on the ‘i’ button.
  • This will take you to the app info page.
  • Here, select the Permissions tab.
  • Select Location Permission option.
  • From different options, choose the Don’t allow option.

For iOS, 

  • Enter into the Settings page.
  • Search for Snapchat and tap on it.
  • Now, tap on the Location tab.
  • Here, select Never to not reveal your location details to the app.

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Aakash Gour

Aakash is the main editor of RM Update and coordinator of the news area. If it is important and urgent, Aakash has written about it. He is an expert in the Android and Google ecosystem. He has been writing about mobile phones and technology in RM Update since 2019, a time in which he has been debugging his analyses and especially product photography.

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