Google Will No Longer Support Continuous Scroll In Search Results for Both the Desktop and Mobile Version

Another feature will be going into the trash, as Google seems to end the support for continuous scrolling in its search results. This feature offers users infinite scrolling in the search results. Meanwhile, a fresh report reveals that Google will discontinue the continuous scrolling feature of its Search results. 

According to the latest reports, the widely popular search engine, Google will be discontinuing its continuous scrolling feature, which allows users to have endless results in its search results. To recall, the company brought this feature for mobile searches back in 2021, while it came to the desktop version in late 2022. 

With the courtesy of this latest continuous scrolling removal, users will now be able to see the classic and old pagination bar at the bottom of the Google Search results. The new More Results button will be added on the mobile Google search page, while the Next button will now feature at the bottom of the page on the desktop Google search. 

A Google official informed us that Google will be discontinuing the continuous scroll feature from the desktop search from 25th June, while the feature will be removed from the mobile search over the next coming months It also, stated that this change will significantly help Google servers to provide search results faster and only load the search results that were requested by the user.    

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