Realme 5S teasers are out, and it’s been confirmed to be launching in India on November 20. An updated version of the current Realme 5, Realme 5S will feature a 48MP sensor inside a quad-camera system. Here Realme 5S India Expected Price?
The Realme 5S will launch at very aggressive pricing, probably at the price of Realme 3 to take on smartphones in the sub-8,000 segment. Coming to the Realme 5S India price, the smartphone will fall in between the Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro in the country.
So, Realme 5S India price is expected somewhere around Rs 10,000 to Rs 12,000 with almost similar features as the current Realme 5.
Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro were the first budget quad-camera smartphones in the country.
Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro are priced under Rs 10,000 and Rs 14,000 respectively. Realme 5S will now target the under 12000 segments, and buyers will now have another budget quad-camera smartphone option available to choose from the wide variety.
Realme 5s to Feature Big 5,000mAh Battery
Exclusive: Realme 5s is launching soon Flipkart confirms
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