Realme was launched the Realme Q2 Pro 5G smartphone in China, the device packs a 6.43-inch Full HD+ display, it comes powered by an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 800 processor with 8GB RAM and 128GB onboard storage. The phone gets a quad rear camera setup with 64MP, 8MP ultra-wide, 2MP, and 2MP depth sensors. On the Selfie, the phone gets a 16MP camera.
The Realme Q2 Pro comes loaded with a 4,200mAh battery which supports fast charging via USB Type C port and runs on the Android 10-based Realme UI version.
Realme Q2 Pro Software Update:
Realme is rolling out a new software update for Realme Q2 Pro in China, the update brings a new security patch and fixes some features of the device.
The latest update for Realme Q2 Pro improves device security into April 2022 security patch, along with the March patch. It fixes the problem that the camera button is swiped up on the lock screen, and the white screen is rarely stuck after the screen is quickly turned off and the screen is turned on. the update also fixes the problem that the horizontal and vertical screens are displayed abnormally in special scenes with low probability bumps on build number RMX2175_11_C.17.
Update Log:
- System
- Optimize system performance and improve system stability
- Fix the problem that the camera button is swiped up on the lock screen, and the white screen is rarely stuck after the screen is quickly turned off and the screen is turned on.
- Call
- Fix the problem that the horizontal and vertical screens are displayed abnormally in special scenes with low probability
- Security
- Update Android security patch (2022#3/2022#4)
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