Earlier in the day, Realme rolled out Android 13-based Realme UI 3.0 official update for Realme GT2 in India. Meanwhile, the Chinese giant has also been rolling out the latest monthly security update for its eligible smartphones in India. Now, the company has started rolling out the November 2022 OTA update for the Realme C20 as well as the Narzo 50 Pro 5G smartphone users in the country.
To recall, a few weeks ago, the consumers of the Realme Narzo 50 Pro 5G phone were invited by the company to join the Android 13 Early Access program, which allows users to experience whole new features and enhancements for the first time.
Coming back to update, Realme is rolling out the Narzo 50 Pro 5G November 2022 Android security update with firmware version RMX3395_11_A.07 and the Realme C20 October 2022 patch with version RMX3061PU_11_A.66. The update is currently rolling out in India. But as the company ensures its stability, it will expand to more customers in other regions.
In the meanwhile, you can download it, just go to your phone’s Settings. Enter the About phone menu and tap on the Official version option. After a few seconds, an available update will appear on your screen. Hit the download button and complete the screening process.
According to the changelog, the most recent security update for Narzo 50 Pro 5G primarily works to improve system security to keep your private files and data safe. Additionally, it enhances the stability of the system to deliver uninterrupted performance.
On the other hand, the November 2022 OTA update for the concerned devices comes with the performance and stability improvements. In addition, this update fixes some security and privacy related bugs and viruses that affect the user experience. Apart from this, the update does not come with any other additional features and improvements; See the full changelog for this update for more details.
Realme Narzo 50 Pro 5G Changelog:
- Updated Android security patch: November 2022
- Improves system performance and stability.
Realme C20 Update Changelog:
- Improves system performance and stability.
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