Realme Narzo 70 Pro was launched in India on March 19, and it has been only a short time since it was launched, but many complaints have started coming out about this device. The first of these complaints is about the quality of the camera and gaming, while the company claims that this device will support high-level cameras and excellent-quality gaming.
Complaints are coming for photography that in low light and artificial light conditions, the camera takes pictures with poor skin tone and blurry pictures. However, selfies taken from the front camera also look blurry, and their clarity is also very poor. Its camera also takes poor pictures with poor skin tone and dynamic range.
When taking any type of picture, the background also looks blurry, and even in good daylight conditions, the front camera takes pictures like 5MP, but on the other hand, the rear camera uses the excellent Sony IMX890. Due to poor optimization in this too, this camera also provides quality like 12 MP.
We can clearly say that the camera of this phone is really bad, and the rear camera also has very poor details, sharpness, HDR performance, and dynamic range problems. If you want to buy this phone for the camera, then you can change your mind and you will not regret it.
The Dimensity 7050 5G chipset was used in this device, due to which we were expecting that this device would perform better, but it has gotten stuck in the case of gaming, so we have started doubting all its functions. It is possible that in the future it may also start causing problems in storage and memory. Hopefully, the company will soon fix these problems through updates.
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