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Breaking: Download OxygenOS 13 Beta 1 For OnePlus 10 Pro [Open Beta]



OxygenOS 13 Beta 1 for OnePlus 10 Pro
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OnePlus announced the OxygenOS 13 beta program for the OnePlus 10 Pro has gone live today. For those unaware, the open beta program is where all OxygenOS code begins.

OnePlus users and fans of the brand are almost certainly aware of the two channels usually used for the release of updates – the Stable and the Open Beta – but next to these, there is also a third: the Closed Beta Test channel is the most exclusive of all and the one to receive the latest news before any other, as long as you are willing to endure some inevitable extra bugs. Read more These OnePlus’s Flagship Devices Won’t Get OxygenOS 13 Update [Android 13]

Currently, this update is available in India and North America. Due to some different features in each region, OxygenOS 13 will come to the EU in the near future.

Download OxygenOS 13 Beta?

How to install OxygenOS 13 Beta for OnePlus 10 Pro

  1. First, Download the latest ROM.
  2. Copy the ROM upgrade package to the phone storage.
  3. Go to Settings -> About device -> Version -> Click Build number 7 times and enter the password, now you are in the developer mode.
  4. Go back to Settings -> About device -> Up to date -> Click the top right button -> Local install -> Click on the corresponding installation package -> Extract -> Upgrade -> System upgrade completed to 100%.
  5. After the upgrade is complete, restart your phone.

Source: OnePlus Community

OxygenOS 13 close beta [June 22, 2022]

The Closed Beta Program offers us an opportunity to listen to your feedback and refine or revise our product strategy based on it. To make sure the OxygenOS 13 stable build will be available to all of the users as early as possible, we changed the CBT strategies on all of the OxygenOS 13 CBT programs. Different from the previous long-term CBT, this will be a short-term Closed Beta Project (usually only a few builds are released), focusing on improving the upcoming OxygenOS 13 for the OnePlus 10 Pro.

OnePlus 10 Pro OxygenOS 13 Closed Beta Program

Well, if you crave to try the news of the new software versions first, know that membership is open for the Closed Beta Test program for the OnePlus 10 Pro.

OnePlus Android 13 Eligible Device List Based On OxygenOS 13 And ColorOS 13

The announcement arrived as usual on the official forum of the Chinese manufacturer. Still, if you are interested in participating, there is not a minute to waste: the places available are only 200.

Users joining the program will, in fact, be the Community members closest to OnePlus staff, to whom they will provide valuable feedback in view of releasing stable builds; since the Closed Beta Test program will allow you to try new builds and features weeks before release to the public, participating users will be required to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).

In order to be eligible, you need to meet the requirements below:

  1. You are using a OnePlus 10 Pro India variant
  2. You are an active OnePlus Community member
  3. You are willing to regularly communicate and report issues/suggestions to the OnePlus team on Telegram
  4. The CBT version is not the stable version, which is still in development. After updating to CBT version, you’ll remain to be patient and tolerate its instability and accept all risks which might be caused by it.

Do you fall within these parameters? You can submit your application to this link Or visit OnePlus Community.

OxygenOS 13 Beta 1 for OnePlus 10 Pro

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