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OxygenOS 15-based second incremental update live for OnePlus 13 devices



OnePlus November list
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OnePlus just released its latest flagship device, the OnePlus 13 a couple of weeks ago, and it has already rolled out a new significant update for it. Now with the latest development, the company has now sent one more update for the devices with some important features and improvements.

OnePlus 13 OxygenOS incremental update: What’s new?

The latest update for OnePlus 13 is coming with the firmware version  CPH2649_15.0.0.405(EX01), the udpate is live in India, with the latest udpate there are several new changes arriving under the diffrent existing fuctionalities.

According to the changelog, the camera has improvements in master mode, rear camera phonto mode, and a better photography experience. Alog with this, the communication and internconnection feathre also got improvements.

If you are using the OnePlus 13 device in India, then you should start getting notifications of the latest update. Alternatively, you can also check the latest update from the software update option in the system settings.

OnePlus November list

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