Realme has launched two new phones in India under the midrange and budget range categories, the Realme 9i and Realme C30s, respectively. Realme 9i comes with Dimensity 810 5G Chipset, 90Hz Ultra Smooth Display, 50MP Rear Camera, 5000mAh. And the Realme C30s, launched just a few days ago, in which you get to see a 5000mAh Massive Battery, 6.5′ inch Fullscreen, 8MP AI Camera, and Fast Side Mounted Fingerprint Scanner.
Recently, the company has released a new software update for both devices, and the latest update brings an Android September 2022 security patch and some bug fixes for the Realme C30s.
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Let’s talk about the update for Realme 9i 5G. It brings September 2022 security patch along with camera improvements, fixes some network and the problem of Google browser voice interface locks, and then unlocks the black screen.
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The latest September 2022 security update carrier build numbers RMX3612_11_A.10 for Realme 9i 5G, and RMX3690_12_A.22 for the Realme C30s. We also brings full changelog for both smartphones, which is mention below.
Realme 9i 5G
- Security
- Integrates the September 2022 Android security patch.
- Camera
- Improves camera performance.
- Network
- Fixed some network problems and improve network stability.
- Application
- Fixed the problem that the Google browser voice interface locks and then unlocks the black screen.
- System
- Fixes some known issues to improve system stability.
Realme C30s
- Security
- Integrates the September 2022 Android security patch.
- System
- Fixed some known issues and improved system stability.
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