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How to Use Telegram On Apple Watch Series 8?



Image of an Apple Watch Series 8 with Telegram app displayed, showcasing easy communication on the wearable device.
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Apple Smart Watches can be an ideal option when it comes to staying connected with your friends and family without taking out your iPhone frequently. You can consider a Telegram application for that as Telegram is the popular app among Apple Watches. In case you want to use Telegram on your Apple Watch. Here we have got you a quick guide on how you can use Telegram on your Apple Watch series 8.

Telegram on your Apple Watch:

Telegram is the most popular texting application, widely used by millions of users across the globe. Telegram is not only a simple text application but also offers some interesting features which differentiate this app from other chatting applications like WhatsApp or Instagram. These features include editing messages, and pictures, deleting messages at any time, sending silent messages, scheduling your messages, translating the message, and more. 

How to use Telegram on your Apple Watch Series 8?

Although you first need to download the Telegram application to use it on your Apple watch. Telegram works quite similarly to the iPhone. Now you can use Telegram at your wrist, here’s how to do that:

  1. Connect your Apple Watch to your iPhone.

  2. Once paired, open the Watch app on your iPhone.

    use whatsapp on your apple watch step 1

  3. Head to the My Watch Tab and click on the Notification.

    use whatsapp on your apple watch step 2

  4. Make sure that the Notification indicator is turned on.

  5. Under the Show Notifications on the wrist down section, search Telegram and turn on the toggle.

  6. Once done, you will be able to receive the notifications of Telegram on your Apple watch.

To reply to a message, tap on the message notification where you can either write a message or you can dictate your message as well.

Image of an Apple Watch Series 8 with Telegram app displayed, showcasing easy communication on the wearable device.

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