Oppo has announced the launch of the ColorOS 14 Closed Beta Test (CBT) for Oppo A77 and A57 users in India. If you are an Indian user of OPPO A77 and OPPO A57 and love testing new software, now is the time to join in and get a first-hand experience of the latest software based on Android 14.
OPPO A77 and OPPO A57 smartphone users are finally eligible to join the ColorOS 14 closed beta program, and here’s how to apply for the activity and other details. Take advantage of this chance, as users can only get up to 200 slots. Meanwhile, the beta activity will remain open until August 25. So apply soon. Otherwise, the beta channel will be closed.
First, make sure that your OPPO A77 and OPPO A57 smartphones are running on the detectable versions – CPH2385_13.1.1.200(EX01) and CPH2387_13.1.1.200(EX01) respectively. Being a beta firmware, it is obvious to find some issues and bugs on the device after installing this latest ColorOS 14 beta. Therefore, we would suggest backing up all important files and data.
[Known issues]
- Probabilistic failure to answer the phone
- Probable Wi-Fi connection failure
- Non-display of incoming calls on the lock screen
- Noise appears when playing songs in WAV format
- OPPO transfer stops working
- Phone stops working when dialling 112
- Fonts cannot be tried, and red screen appears in the Theme Store
- The music control component disappears after clicking pause in the Games
- Red screen flashes when trying paid themes
- Storage space display abnormally
Notably, the company will review these applications in 5 working days after applying. If your app passes the activity, you will receive the new ColorOS 14 Closed beta version in three days. To download the build, go to Settings > About device > ColorOS version > Download now.
How To Apply:
To apply for this ColorOS 14 Closed beta program, go to Settings > About device > Tap the top of the page > Tap icon on the top right> Trial versions > Alpha > Fill in your information(substantial,we’ll send a message with official telegram group link to you) > Apply Now.
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