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How To Find Templates On Instagram?



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Instagram is constantly working on several new features and enhancements that significantly improve the user experience. Along with some highly engaging features and capabilities, including Templates, Instagram is focusing on providing the best possible ways to create a much more interactive environment for users. Meanwhile, Templates are now available for both Reels and Stories; here’s how to find them.

Instagram templates are now available for both Reels and Stories, allowing users to find more creative ways to share their content with their audience. Templates offer an easy way of creating reels and stories on Instagram while also making Reels interactive and engaging. 

The Instagram Reels templates reduce some hefty yet time-consuming processes of creating Reels, selecting music for, and then editing those clips and offer you more accessible ways to get inspiration for your next Reel with the help of a new and improved Template Browser, which is organized by Recommended, Trending, and templates or audio you have already saved. On the flip side, the templates for Instagram stories are customizable designs that convert your boring and regular content to more creative and engaging content. 

How To Find Templates On Instagram?

You can easily find your Reels and Stories templates on Instagram. Here are the steps:

Instagram Reels Templates:

  • Enter the Instagram app, and tap the Reels icon at the bottom.
  • Now look for the Reel, where you will find the Use Template Button, which is placed just above the creator’s profile name.
  • Note that not all Reels contain the Use Templates button. Once you find the option, simply Tap on it. 
  • Here, you get the Reels Templates, which you can select and use for your Reels.  

Instagram Story Templates:

  • Tap the ‘+’ icon at the top left corner of the Instagram app to create your story.
  • Select your desired photo from the library.
  • Now, tap on the Stickers icon at the top.
  • Then, select the Add Your Templates option.
  • Click the Dice button at the bottom.
  • Here, you will be offered plenty of creative templates for your story. 
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