Honor has launched the Honor Magic 6 Pro in India today. It features the best Qualcomm processor, VC cooling system, high-end camera, high-refresh-rate display, and big battery. Furthermore, the company has announced that there will be no price drop for at least 180 days or about 6 months, and its sale will begin in India on August 15 via Amazon and Honor’s online store. Among the offers, Honor is also offering a no-cost EMI option at Rs.7500 per month.
Honor Magic 6 Pro Specification And Feature
The Honor Magic 6 Pro features a 6.8-inch OLED display with a curved screen, 120Hz adaptive dynamic refresh rate, and a peak brightness of 5000 nits. The display also supports Dolby Vision and uses Honor’s Nano Crystal Shield for screen protection. It is capable of supporting 4320 Hz PWM dimming, HDR 10+ Certification, 1.07 billion colors, and 100% DCI-P3 colour gamut.
Under the hood, the Honor Magic 6 Pro uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Magic 8.0, based on Android 14, is used for the software, which will get 4 years of Android updates and 5 years of security updates. The Honor Magic 6 Pro includes a 5052mm VC cooling system to keep the thermals under control.
The Honor Magic 6 Pro has a triple-lens rear setup. It includes a 108 MP periscope telephoto lens with 2.5x optical and 100x digital zoom, a 50 MP main sensor, and a 50 MP ultra-wide camera with OIS. The front camera also has a 50 MP main and 3D depth sensors.
The Honor Magic 6 Pro packs a 5600 mAh battery with 80W wired fast and 66W wireless fast charging support. It includes Honor’s E1 chip and a custom power management system for better battery life. The phone also uses an RF enhancement chip C1+ for better connectivity. In addition, it has received an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance.
Honor Magic 6 Pro Price And Availability
The device is available in only two-color options—black and AP Green. However, it comes in a single variant with 12GB RAM and 512 GB storage, which is priced at Rs.89,999 in India.
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