Realme has launched its next Pro models, Realme 13 Pro and Realme 13 Pro+. These smartphones are in the mid-range category and have many interesting and impressive features. Both these devices have better AI capabilities. On the contrary, if you are wondering about the waterproof capabilities of these devices, then here you will find out whether the device is waterproof or not.
Realme 13 Pro and Pro Plus Water And Dust Rating
To learn about this capability of the device, one has to pay attention to the IP certifications. Both these devices have been rated IP65, which means that they are protected from liquid and solid ingress, respectively. In the IP or Ingress Protection rating, the first digit indicates that the device is protected from solid ingress, i.e., dust, while 6 provides the highest protection.
On the other hand, the second digit after the IP rating provides protection from liquid ingress, i.e. water. The device has only 5 points, and it is considered to be a point providing protection from water. This means the device can only withstand splashes of water but cannot survive submersion in water. Hence, it is recommended not to take both devices near water bodies as it may damage the device.
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