Making Android work well for each of Android’s billions of users is a collaborative process between you and the Android developers. Every year the Android operating system receives a new upgrade with improvements over the previous version. Recently, Google have released the first developer preview of Android 14.
Google’s first developer preview of Android 14 aims to collect your feedback in these previews, which is an important part of making Android better for everyone. This upcoming version of the OS continues to work on improving your productivity as developers, along with enhancements to performance, privacy, security, and user customization.
Android 14 developer site has a lot more information about the preview, but here we are sharing the complete timeline of Android 14 till the final release in this article.
Android 14 Preview phases: Timeline
The Android 14 preview program runs from February 2023 until the final public release for AOSPs, and OEMs are planned for the year’s end. Let’s check out the Android 14 Timeline.
Android 14 Developer Preview 1: February
Android 14 Developer Preview 1 has rolled out recently, and this build is focused on developer feedback with new features, APIs, and behavior changes compared to the previous version.
Android 14 Developer Preview 2: March
The Android 14 Developer Preview 2 will begin in March, and this build is focused on developer feedback with incremental updates, including additional features, Fixes, APIs, and behavior changes.
Android 14 Developer Preview Builds 1 and 2 provide an initial test and development environment that you can use to try out new APIs, identify compatibility issues in your app, and perform any necessary migrations or updates to target new platforms. Also, the company aims to have apps ready for consumer beta.
Android 14 Beta 1: April
The Android 14 beta 1 will begin as an early beta-quality release in April, with over-the-air updates available to early adopters who enroll in the Android beta. During the beta release period, early adopters will be using your app on Pixel devices.
Android 14 Beta 2: May
After that, we might see a major update to Android 14 Beta 2 in May, when Google will also hold its developer conference Google I/O. Historically, the company teases certain features during the event to announce them with more fanfare. With Beta 2, you’ll get a more complete and stable build to continue your testing and development.
Android 14 Beta 3: June [Platform Stability]
Android 14 beta 3 will debut in June and will reach Android 14 platform stability, which means system behavior and APIs have been finalized. It is time to start final testing and development and release the compatible app version to users in the ecosystem upon its final release.
Android 14 Beta 4 & 5: July
The Android 14 beta will begin on July 4 and 5 and will reach in-final builds for final testing. Devices get a great user experience right around the final release.
Android 14 Final Release:
The timeline shows a month of the Unlink stable release following the last beta in July. Remember the launch of Android 13 and Android 12, Android 14 will launch for everyone in August.
Moreover, it is clear that the plan set by Google is only a plan. It is possible that there will be some bugs between these big halvings that will require additional updates, which has already happened. The company may need more time to finalize things end-to-end, which could lead to a long gap between the final beta and the first stable release.
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