Samsung is currently busy launching its upcoming foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, and the Galaxy Z Flip 5 next month. Meanwhile, the South Korean tech giant has started testing Android 14-based One UI 6.0 for its flagship smartphone. A few days back, Samsung reportedly tested One UI 6 firmware for its flagship smartphones – Galaxy S22 Ultra and Z Flood 4. The firmware is based on Android 14, the latest version of Google’s operating system. Additionally, the company has before head started testing the One UI 6.0 version of this flagship for its successor series – the Galaxy S23.4.
Once again, the Ultra variant of the Samsung Galaxy S23 series has appeared on Geekbench, and surprisingly, this model is reportedly testing Android 14-based One UI 6 firmware. This appearance hints that, like the previous years, the latest Galaxy S flagship is almost guaranteed to get the big Android update this year.
According to Tarun Vats (via SamMobile), the carrier-locked variant (SM-S918U) of the Galaxy S23 Ultra for the US market has appeared on Geekbench’s database. The listing revealed that the phone has started testing Android 14-based One UI 6 software.
As far as the test scores are concerned, the device has scored 1,712 points on the Single-Core Score test and 3,476 points on the Multi-Core Score test.
Since the new test build shows that the Korean tech giant is making rapid progress with developing Android 14-based One UI 6.0. As per the expected schedule, the stable version of One UI 6.0 could be released by the end of July, which could also be the END for the One UI 6 beta program.
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