OnePlus is gearing up to debut the OnePlus Pad Go. The fan community is eagerly waiting for the device as it has already been revealed that the upcoming Pad Go will take the floor in India on October 06. Now, a new revelation is knocking the expectations that it will run OxygenOS 13.2 out of the box. Let’s know how much truth there is in this revelation.
This has been disclosed through the post on X, formerly Twitter, shared by @stufflistings, who is a well-known tipster. He stated that the users will get the OnePlus Pad Go running on OxygenOS 13.2 out of the box. Not only this, he also disclosed that the upcoming Go version will be powered by a MediaTek processor and also will have cellular connectivity.
@stufflistings aka Mukul Sharma exactly mentioned:
“[Exclusive] The OnePlus Pad Go will run OxygenOS 13.2 out of the box. The device will feature a MediaTek processor and will have cellular connectivity. And, despite a somewhat larger display compared to the OnePlus Pad, it will be slightly lighter (523g vs 552g).”
Apart from this, thanks to @OnePlus_IN for disclosing lots of specifications of the upcoming Pad Go device, which are mentioned below.
- Its memory package is 8GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage.
- It features a stunning 11.35-inch display, combined with a 7:5 aspect ratio, along with a resolution of 2.4K. It is also able to display approximately a similar area as a 12-inch screen using the standard ratio.
- OnePlus powered its upcoming Pad Go version with Dolby Atmos quad speakers.
Plus, it also indirectly discloses its battery health by mentioning the hashtag #allplayallday, which pretty clearly indicates that the battery will be able to take a breath at least all day, even after playing all day.
The company also stated in a post on X that the price of the OnePlus Pad Go will be revealed on October 06. We are in October, and this is close to the 6th. Now, it is only expected that the company will live up to its word and reveal the rest of the information on the allotted date.
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