WhatsApp always delivers impressive and useful advancements to its users. The latest update in WhatsApp has added four new text formats to make communication between people more effective and presentable. Through these additions, the message’s understandability increases, and precise information can be communicated.
The new updates consist of numbers, bullets, block quotes, and inline codes that help convey the message more simply. This has yet to reach the masses, but soon, it is going to be in the hands of the user with the latest update.
They are available for Android, Web, MAC and IOS users. The formatting also has Bold and italic Writing options with a monospace format.
Let’s Understand Briefly:
- Bulleted list: The bulleted list feature helps segregate the information in the point manner preceding the “-” sign before the text; it is helpful in making lists for shopping and groceries.
- Numbered list: This feature reflects the list and messages in numbered format preceding the numerical digits like “1,2,3,…,” followed by the space.
- Block quotes: Users can use block quotes to highlight the text. For that, you have to type “>” along with space. This feature will help highlight the text.
- Inline code: Another highlighting formatting helpful to give an effective distinction of the text. For that, you must”‘” at the beginning of the sentence “‘”.
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