Telegram always tries to bring its users the most useful yet convenient features. Similarly, soon after introducing Telegram Business, this popular instant messaging application is back with the most interesting feature: the sticker editor, which will now allow all users to create their desired stickers or sticker sets.
Now, Telegram users will be able to create several interactive stickers and even their desired sticker sets without having to leave the Telegram app using the new powerful tool, the Sticker editor. This involves making stickers the way you want and adding them to the sticker set, while you can even expand your sticker sets and share them with your friends as well.
Make stickers the way you like
Now, you can easily create your stickers by choosing a photo from the gallery and adding texts or drawings, or you can also add some animated stickers or emojis to the photo that already exists on the platform. Through a single tap, you can easily create your stickers. Simply open the sticker panel in any chat, then tap on the “+” button.
To remove the background of the chosen photo, you will need to use the cut-out object option. Tap an object to cut it out or remove the background, select the portion you need to remove from the photo, and restore any portion if needed. You can also add an outline to give your stocker a classy look.
Add the created sticker to a dedicated stickers set
Once you have made your sticker, you will now be able to send those stickers with your friends or even create a dedicated sticker set so that your friends can reuse those stickers in their chats. In order to add a sticker to a sticker set, you need to choose an emoji that perfectly matches with your sticker’s emotions. On Telegram, emojis are the shortcuts for stickers, as when you choose an emoji, Telegram will automatically suggest the sticker that perfectly matches the emoji that you have selected.
Expand your stickers and easily share your sticker sets
Telegram will now allow you to add any of your desired existing stickers to your custom sets. This means you can put all your favorite stickers together in a single sticker pack or can even create a theme-based sticker collection.
In addition, you will be able to share your sticker sets. Share one sticker from the set with someone, and they will tap the sticker and can easily add the entire sticker set. Also, each sticker set will contain a unique link.
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