WhatsApp has made many changes in its apps in the past few days, and these changes can be easily seen in the web, iOS and Android apps as well. Now, in another change, WhatsApp has introduced a filter in the sub with separate filter options for unread and group messages for easier chat organization.
WhatsApp Chat Filter
However, this unread filter won’t be as useful as the filter for group chats that participants in multiple groups would have. To get this update, you will have to update the app. Users were also using chat pins, but later, due to some problems, these started requiring updating.
This helps a bit by distinguishing between pinned chats and other conversations, so you don’t have to search for what you need. To avoid this, the company recently started working on an email-style filter to separate unread and group messages in the chat tab, and this feature is gradually becoming available to all users.
To get rid of this chat pin, the company started beta testing chat filters last year to separate unread or groups from all conversations. However, this test was soon stopped and then started again in March this year, which can also help users greatly.
According to the official statement, the unread filter won’t be very useful because, by default, the app displays unread conversations at the top or below your pinned chats. If the new option is available on your device, you will see it in three pill-shaped buttons labeled All Unread and Group in a horizontal carousel above the top of the chat in the chat tabs.
Moreover, the company has not named any specific devices for this feature and has also expressed its desire to roll it out widely for users soon.
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