The Indian social media platform Koo, which came into existence four years back to rival Twitter, is now shutting down. Although the company has achieved a lot of fame, its founders have decided to shut down Koo forever. This news came through a post shared by its founder on X.
As a part of the Indian government’s Make in India initiative, Koo efficiently managed to have over 10 million monthly active users. However, the high cost of maintaining technology-related services and failed partnership talks with larger internet companies led.
The founders to decide to Meanwhile, Koo’s Co-Founder Mayank Bidawatka shares a farewell post, saying that even after managing to have partnerships with some larger internet companies and media houses.
They were not getting the outcome that they were expecting. Finally, this failure in maintenance costs and partnership talks has led them to mutually decide to shut Koo down forever.
The Indian social media platform Koo was created to draw a direct comparison to Elon Musk’s X but failed to challenge such a global giant in its game. Thus, Koo is signing off!
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