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One UI 4.1 RAM Plus Feature: Increase Your Galaxy Smartphone RAM



One UI 4.1 RAM Plus Features
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Samsung One UI 4.1 users can increase RAM from Storage with RAM Plus feature: It is human nature to expect more for less and Samsung is one such phone brand that makes low or high-cost Android phones that meet the expectation of a person. Without a doubt, it is well known that Samsung phones are popular for their amazing creativity and innovations.

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Samsung has already released the next version of One UI 4. Samsung One UI 4.1 based on Android 12. It is said that Samsung One UI 4.1 is a major change from Samsung One UI 3.0 and will bring changes in icons, color scheme, and Samsung.

Features: As compared to One UI 3.5, One UI 4.1 improves many of the features and enhancements that were introduced with One UI 3.5. Samsung has made quite a few user interface changes in addition to new features that make One UI 4.1 one of the best iterations of its custom skin yet.

  • RAM Plus/Virtual RAM
  • Lock Screen and Always-On Display
  • Camera and Gallery
  • Samsung Keyboard
  • UI enhancements
  • Colour Themes
  • New Privacy Features
  • Extra Dim
  • Multi-Window Support 

By the way, all the features of the Samsung One UI 4 are fabulous. Each feature is different and useful from the other. And the most important of all these features is RAM Plus/Virtual RAM which is advantageous for low-end devices with hardware limitations.

Samsung RAM Plus aka Virtual RAM

The Virtual RAM feature is becoming really popular, and now this feature has been added to Samsung Galaxy phones with One UI 4.1. As the name suggests, this feature uses external storage and uses it as virtual RAM to improve the overall performance of the app.

The expansion can increase the RAM capacity of the phone by as much as 7GB. This means that an average 4GB smartphone can get as much as 11GB RAM capacity. 

Furthermore, a 12GB smartphone can get as much as 19GB RAM capacity. 

The system allocates 2GB of the internal storage and adds it to the RAM when needed. So depending on your memory configuration – either 6 or 8GB, you get 8GB or 10GB of RAM effectively.

How to use Samsung RAM Plus Feature

  • Open Settings
  • Select Device care
  • Then select Memory.

Here you’ll be able to clear or unmount RAM and see how much “virtual memory” the system takes up if it deems necessary.

One UI 4.1 RAM Plus Features

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