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Spotify Add An Android Widget For Easy Access To Its App



Spotify collaborates with OnePlus Shelf
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Spotify is a well-known and on-demand music streaming platform that serves as a facility so that users can easily access millions of songs, podcasts, and videos from artists worldwide. The installation of the Spotify app on the Android platform is over 1B (according to the study). 

Last month, Spotify upgraded its Android application with a refresh home screen widget, which unites playback controls and recommendations. Also, in 2021, the device brought up-to-date fresh designs and backgrounds that pulled colours from album art. The topmost portion of this new widget, again named “Spotify”, displays much larger artwork, song, artist, next/last, play/pause. Compared to its previous widget version, all those controls are more acceptably spaced out without moving a muscle available today.   

What’s New? 

The news has arrived in a bottom row of recommendations based on the user’s listening habits. The five personalised leads to the belief items that come across as being can be playlist, albums, podcasts, and audiobooks. Tapping will open that item’s page in the application, but users must freehand press play. 

Also, 5×2 is the biggest size, with the tiniest 3×2 configuration just displaying what’s going on or paying, even with no controls or recommendations. Moreover, Spotify introduced this widget in July and released it with its identity version, which is 8.8.50+

Facts About Spotify – 

Spotify is available on various platforms, which includes Android, iOS platform, macOS and so on. This has acquired about 24 organisations. As per the study, the app reveals around 13.37M downloads for Android users. The company makes Spotify available in 180+ countries, whereas the Spotify Lite app is in 37 countries. It has almost 406M active users, of which 180M are premium subscribers. 


Spotify collaborates with OnePlus Shelf

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