WhatsApp has always provided users with the most interactive and convenient experience, bringing the most features and functionalities within the application. That’s the main reason why WhatsApp is the choice of millions of customers worldwide. As part of a series of new features and updates, WhatsApp is now rolling out a new ability to record and share longer voice notes through status updates.
WhatsApp significantly aims to offer users a more flexible status-sharing experience, including recording voice notes and sharing through status updates. Now, this Meta-owned application is expanding the limit to recording the voice note by 1 minute, while earlier, it was just limited to 30 seconds.
WhatsApp Record One Minute Voice Status Feature: Users will be able to record and share 1-minute voice notes via status updates
It is spotted with the latest updates of WhatsApp for Android and iOS, WhatsApp has started rolling out an ability where users can record and share their voice status updates for up to 1 minute. Adding new enhancements to voice status updates, WhatsApp is now expanding the limit to record voice notes for status updates, allowing users to share their voice status updates, which could be up to 1 minute long.
Meanwhile, it’s important to note that users must update their WhatsApp to the latest version; only then can they listen to 1-minute-long status updates shared by other members in their contacts. This extension to the recording limit to 1 minute will significantly eliminate the need to record multiple voice notes. Moreover, this new enhancement will ensure that users get more precise and comprehensive voice notes on their status.
Currently available to some users on Android and iOS
In addition, the new enhancement to record and share voice status up to 1 minute long is currently available to some users who have installed the latest version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS. It will be rolled out gradually to the rest of the WhatsApp users over the next few days.
How to put one minutes voice status on WhatsApp
For recording and sharing 1 minute long status updates, users simply need to head to WhatsApp’s Updates section >> then tap the Pencil icon placed above the camera icon below >> tap and hold the Mic icon to record your voice note.
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