WhatsApp beta update, WhatsApp is working on a feature “Reshare Status Updates” to privately mention contacts in status updates, which can be rolled out across all devices soon. The feature lets users mention specific contacts in their status updates and send them a notification directly.
This feature makes it easier to connect and engage with multiple contacts with relevant contacts. WhatsApp is now committed to improving this feature further. The feature is currently available on the Google Play Store, but it has yet to be confirmed whether it will work properly.
WhatsApp Reshare Status Updates Feature
WhatsApp is working on a new button that will allow users to re-share status updates that may be released. This button will enable users to easily re-share status updates and may also help circulate them widely among their contacts.
Using this feature, users can ensure that status updates in which they are mentioned are also visible to their network as per their privacy settings. This process is certainly more complicated, but there can also be a delay in sharing status updates if the content is unavailable for chat. However, this new feature will soon be seen on all Android devices.
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