It has been revealed that the new Pixel devices will get seven years of security and Android updates. However, this clarity came after the launch event of Google’s new device, the Pixel 9 series. These new Google Pixel Phones are packed with new-generation features and hardware that make them more useful, powerful, and great-looking.
Google Pixel 9 Series Software Update Policy
Apart from this, these devices also include Gemini with various AI features. These features will be taken to another high level through updates. This update policy will include seven years of security updates, Android OS upgrades, feature drops and AI innovations. This means that your devices will get support till 2030.
On the other hand, no smartphone brand offers such update support and long-life handsets because it becomes very difficult to provide update support for seven years, so the phones of this series can be seen as a sustainable smartphone option. Through this update, the user will get amazing processing that will automatically adjust color, lighting, stabilization, and graininess.
This update policy will be available for Google Pixel 9, Google 9 Pro, and Google Pro 9 XL. However, the company has already claimed that these devices will get features like Google-designed end-to-end security, Multi-layer hardware security, tensor security core, certified titan M2 security chip, trusted execution environment, Anti-malware and Anti-phishing protection, and spam protection in Message for security.
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