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Google Spotted Working On “Genesis” AI Tool For Journalists Which Write News



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Google has about 90% of the worldwide market share, and this is so because it is constantly engaged in its successful efforts every day. Recently, Google has been testing another great feature for users to build news stories, the Artificial Intelligence technology. According to the information, the Search tech giant is pitching this new technology to the new corporation, including the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the New Corps.    

It needs to be officially clear exactly how much this testing technology will differ from the already existing technology, which generates an article with the help of Artificial Intelligence. For Google, news journalism is a new area of a “Genesis” tool. 

According to the reports, Google is now working on an AI tool whose code name is “Genesis.” It will help to ingest the whole story’s current events and also the rest of the information to generate new copies. This facility of Google will help a lot in the news industry. 

But now, a new fact is arising, the news testing tool of Google will surely give birth to anxiety among the journalists who have been writing their own articles for long periods after self-investigation. Somewhere this Google tool will reduce the importance of the journalist who has enthusiasm for journalism. The journalist’s bosses may likely see this Google’s news tool technology less as a useful tool for their employees and more as a replacement for them. It is a quiet matter of worry. 

However, the official announcement from the corporation is still pending. For now, it isn’t easy to judge the responsibility of this news tool. Now we can only wait for when the company will release this tool publicly and to what extent this tool will prove helpful to the journalist. 



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