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Google Is Testing Extra Dark Theme On The Play Store



Google Play Store
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Looking at the last few updates, it is known that Google relies on significant changes and pays attention to small mind-blowing changes. At the moment, it is reported that the brand is preparing something exciting and attractive for its Google Play Store, in which the store’s darker theme is getting a darker effect. 

The preparation for this new change has been spotted with its identification build number, 37.0.22-29 version. With this build code, the company will soon announce a new update. Compared to Google Play Store’s previous dark theme, now it’s getting a darker look. Most users prefer AMOLED black, but the new dark music differs. 

As per the detail reports, Google has updated each section’s background, including the four leading tabs; App listing, Manage apps & devices, and Settings. All of these tabs get a new extra dark theme look. On the other hand, the bottom navigation bar has been modified, but compared to other accounts, it is still relatively lighter for accurate contrast. 

Moreover, the Play store has bounced the Dynamic Color theming for a blue accent that might have highlighted more in the darker shade. It is a more exciting and comfy-to-the-eyes type of update. With this change, the users will also have a different and new experience. 

However, the update is still developing, but the users might get to see the new change in the mentioned build code mentioned above.  


Google Play Store

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