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The “Notification” tab will be added to Google App on Android



Google App
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Google is introducing a ‘Notifications’ feed to the bottom bar of the Google app for Android devices. This new feature, represented by a bell icon, allows you to conveniently search for notifications. It’s a feature that was recently added to Gmail and has now made its way to the iOS Google App, enhancing the user experience. 

Google Apps Notification Feature On Android

On the other hand, the ‘Notifications‘ feed showcases a diverse range of alerts sent by Google Search. From current and upcoming weather conditions to flight information, sports scores, movie and TV show alerts, it covers everything you need to know. This comprehensive feature is sure to pique the interest of technology enthusiasts. 

If you miss collecting notifications, everything collected will be kept in your history. As soon as you tap on an alert, everything related to it will be loaded. The overflow menu lets you delete, remove, and send feedback. However, according to the company, it is currently available for testing but not widely available, and we may see it soon with the latest beta version, version 15.20

Google has exciting plans for Google Photos. They’re developing a ‘Cinematic Moments’ feature that will revolutionize your video viewing experience. This feature will automatically select parts of your video and apply a slow-motion effect, creating a captivating cinematic view. It’s a feature that will be exclusive to videos, not still images, and it’s coming soon. 


Google App

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