WhatsApp for Android is working on some new features for the beta update, which could include call effects and filters. With this new feature, WhatsApp aims to enhance the overall visual experience of video calls by allowing users to personalize their conversations with dynamic facial filters and call effects.
WhatsApp is testing AR Call Effects and Filters Feature
After testing this feature, WhatsApp will now be able to give users a better calling experience. This feature is available to some beta testers on the Google Play Store. Additionally, The company has launched new features to enhance the video calling experience.
This feature allows users to enjoy augmented reality (AR) now call effects and filters capable of bringing fun and interactive elements to their video calls.
With the help of these AR effects, users can make their calls better than before by using facial filters, touch-up tools, and even low-light modes for better visibility in dim environments.
WhatsApp has introduced these background editing tools, which can prove to be helpful for group conferences. With this feature, users can customize their surroundings or even blur distracting objects.
However, this tool can be used not only for entertainment but also to change the background, where users can choose different scenes or images. This feature is expected to be available on the desktop app in the future, which can prove more useful. It will be rolled out to more people in the coming weeks.
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