Telegram recently added some new features to celebrate its 11th anniversary. The last update added six new features, and now it has added another four new features, including star giveaways, instant view for the Telegram browser.
Star Giveaways Instant View feature
Users can also telegram stars through a star giveaway, wherein the winners can spend their stars on paid media and exclusive subscriptions to channels. It can also promote their communities and reward random members with prizes. This feature is also available in games and mini apps on the Telegram platforms.
These giveaways are prepaid and completely transparent, allowing the organization to customize the settings. To use this, channel owners can start the giveaway by going to Channel settings and then boost statistics. On the other hand, boosts can be started for groups by going to statistics.
This feature was first used in 2016. It automatically optimizes articles for your device into perfectly formatted pages. This feature also works for many sites, which can change Telegram’s app to a more readable and lightweight layout in the browser.
A bug was recently noticed in this, and it was fixed quickly. Some changes were also included in the Telegram mobile and desktop apps, and if a new problem arises, users can also leave requests for their convenience.
Developers can also add some new button options to make this app smoother and more responsive. Mini apps can display two buttons side by side or in stacked orientation. A new shimmer effect is also implemented for these buttons, which is better at attracting and guiding attention.
The brand revealed that Telegram has achieved 10 million premium subscribers in less than 8 months, which can be considered a 2x growth. The app is capable of giving everything to the users while prioritizing their privacy. It can also give powerful features to premium subscribers as per their needs.
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