
WhatsApp vacation mode feature is coming!

The world’s most popular instant messaging application owned by Facebook keeps receiving new updates. Thanks to them, we can enjoy all kinds of improvements, such as the possibility of creating stickers with sound. And very soon we will have the expected vacation mode on WhatsApp.

Yes, it is true that it is not the first time that we have talked to you about the possibility of the platform launching a vacation mode for WhatsApp. And the truth is that the team behind the development of this application was working on this project. But, for some reason, they abandoned it in 2019.

How the WhatsApp Vacation Mode works

To begin with, it has been the guys from Wabetainfo who have given this information, so we can give it quite a bit of veracity. And, from the looks of it, this new WhatsApp functionality is coming very soon.

More than anything, because we are not talking about a rumor or a leak, but the Wabetainfo team has discovered in the latest beta version of WhatsApp (corresponding to the distribution code published, that the vacation mode is in development.

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And its mechanism is really simple: it will mainly ignore archived chats. For example, your vacation begins and you have a number for your business. By activating this mode, if you archive a message from a user or group and they send you more messages later, they will automatically be archived without notifications being a nuisance.

As you can see in the image that heads these lines, when you activate the WhatsApp vacation mode, the archived chats will go to the top, so that their access is easier.

On the other hand, you will have a new button called Notifications. Through this option, you can choose if you want to receive notifications normally, or that they are automatically archived so that you can read them whenever you want.

In addition, WhatsApp is expected to add more options to manage archived chats, but we will have to wait until they finally launch this new functionality.

When it will be? Considering that they have just rolled out the latest beta version, it is very likely that the next WhatsApp update will include vacation mode. As always, when that happens we will be here to tell you all the details.



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